Integrative Massage
This massage will focus where your body needs it. Each session is completely tailored to your specific needs. We will do deep tissue where you need it and have a lighter touch where you need that. Massage provides effective long-lasting relief of chronic muscle tension, soft tissue pain, and dysfunction. The intent is to affect the deeper structures of the musculoskeletal system by breaking up patterns of muscle tension.
Reflexology is a method for activating the healing powers of the body. Based on the long established principle that there are energy zones (meridians) running through the body; reflexologists apply steady pressure to the hand and foot reflexes affecting corresponding organs, glands, and body parts. Reflexology provides benefits such as stress reduction, deep relaxation, improved circulation, and detoxification while maintaining balance for body, mind and spirit.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic drainage has been used since the 1930’s to promote health and aid recovery from certain illnesses. The Dr. Vodder technique as practiced at Jurni the Wellness Spa can prevent viral and bacterial infection, enhance the removal of toxins from the body tissues, support the immune system and reverse the disease process. It can improve skin conditions such as acne, prevent or reduce fluid retention and cellulite, help lower blood pressure and relieve chronic sinusitis and allergies. MLD has been proven to lessen pain, speed healing and reduce inflammation after surgery such as breast cancer or plastic surgery.